Song overview
‘Saturday Night’ is a 1975 song by Scottish pop rock band Bay City Rollers. It was written and produced by Bill Martin (English version) and Phil Coulter (English version), and is an upbeat rock number with an impressive chorus section that spells out ‘SATURDAY’ as ‘S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y’ with rhythmic and enthusiastic vocals. It reached the top of the Billboard Hot 100 chart on 3 January 1976 [4].
※References Wekipedia.
Ease of singing karaoke (5 levels)
The key is not high and the song is relatively easy to sing without any irregularities.
The part where the alphabet is read out as ‘S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y’ should be sung cheerfully and without embarrassment.
The song is a bit difficult to sing if you don’t listen to it carefully, as some parts are sung very fast.
Degree of excitement(5 levels)
The song was sung by the Japanese TV personality Gorie-chan in 2005 and is well known.
The tune is also very groovy and the song is quite lively.
Degree of comfort in singing(5 levels)
If you have been drinking and you are feeling good, you can sing quite well. If I’m too shy, it can be painful.
Searchable karaoke distribution services.
Karaoke practice video
※Video content courtesy of Native English Pronunciation Tool Nipponglish